Editorial Reviews

Praise for Get Gifted Students Talking

“An engaging text that is filled with appropriate exercises for the age group. The topics are intended to maximize students’ input and engagement.”—School Administrator magazine

“Gifted teens have unique social needs but most programs for this population focus on their academic needs. This book remedies that problem by providing discussion guides for 70 topics across 6 categories: identity, stress, relationships, feelings, family, and the future. Helpful activity sheets and an extensive list of resources by subject are also included.”—Curriculum Connections, a supplement of School Library Journal
“A valuable resource for youth workers who may have gifted students and need more information or perspective on their unique needs.”—Youthworker Journal
“There is a big problem with suicide here in Korea [and] there is a stigma against seeking counseling . . . To get around that, we use The Essential Guide to Talking with Gifted Teens [which] makes it possible not only for a counselor, but also a teacher of gifted students, to engage students in a structured but fairly informal conversation in the classroom about a different topic each week. I have simply made this part of the curriculum and call it ‘Growing Up Gifted.’ It makes students feel less alone and helps them make friends. It’s a very valuable process.”—Jonathan Jordahl, MFA, head instructor, Center for English Education for Gifted Youth (CEEGY), Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Republic of Korea

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